• Photography
  • Headshots
  • Modeling
  • Portraits
  • Studio

The Why

The last few years have been a learning experience, if nothing else. I’ve come to believe we all possess the power to make a difference, and making a difference is simple as sharing our kindness, our experience, our time, or our skills. I’ve heard, “think globally, act locally,” for decades and I’m slowly beginning to understand the truth of it.

“A rising tide lifts all ships”

Therefore, I’ve decided to donate a portion of my time every month to empowering, promoting, and supporting, members of Seattle’s beauty / fashion community. COVID has forever changed our concept of normal, but that shouldn’t prevent us from recreating a new normal that grants us all the opportunity to thrive.

The Offer

I want to:

  • Take high-quality photos of your work for your portfolio at no cost
  • Provide free portraits to your clients to use as they wish
  • Share / tag your social accounts on my marketing channels
  • Offer a positive review on the platform of your choice

This is not a trick, there’s no hidden fees, nor any money changing hands. I want to leverage my skill with a camera to feature other skillful peers in Seattle’s beauty community.

I’ve had more than my fair share of good fortune, advice, and support, during my growth as a photographer so it’s only right to share that which was freely shared with me.

The Ask

The sticky wicket in this offer is a limited amount of time and resources. I imagine many of you may offer this as a perk to your favorite clients. Therefore, I need to create a few stipulations to limit eligible collaborations and mitigate my risk of sleep deprivation. To start I’m looking for:

  • Experienced MUA’s and stylists. I hope to eventually offer this to up-and-comers once I’ve ironed out the inevitable kinks
  • Subjects that are uncommonly photogenic, with unique features, or simply amazing personal stories.

If you’ve made it this far you’re probably wondering the what, where, and how. The “what” is a one-look portrait shoot and the “where” is either at our home-studio in downtown Kirkland, or rented studio space in Pioneer Square. The “how” is a little more fluid, and will require a conversation before determining.